Anuradha Sharda Vedic Astrologer & Tarot Coach India




Saturn turns retrograde in Sagittarius in Purvaashada Nakshatra from 18th April to 6th September. It is on its retrograde motion and stations at 15 degrees Sagittarius. For nearly 5 days before its retrograde motion Saturn transit stationary. This period is an intense period for all. It is a time when posited at one place this planet has an immense influence on people because it is closest to earth. Being literally in no motion or so it seems, it give the planet a huge spectrum to judge and deliver various activities and events in the person’s life.

Being stationery, the planet is at its calmest and most still position and as such the results dispensed by it would be more effective, pronounced and more focused. During that stationary phase, if a planet happens to be over a natal planet that planet would be holding a lot of significance in the life of a person as regards the characters, the houses and the placement of the planets in discussion. When Saturn turns direct and crosses this point all over again, it would very effectively deliver the results as pertaining to the planet.

If the retrograde Saturn while in transit happens to aspect a natal planet then that planet is also forced to reevaluate the Karakas it stands for. For example if the retrograde Saturn in transit aspects Jupiter, a person may feel the need to look into his or her moral values and ethics or may feel the need to reassess the viability of the higher education he/she plans to continue.

During the station period at a particular degree, the deeds done by a person can be seen as seeds sown. These deeds would connect to the karaka of the planet concerned. During the entire retrograde period, this takes roots and effects changes. The delivery of the result happens when the retrograde planet in its direct motion once again passes through this point where it was earlier stationed. So, what we do in the 5 days of the stationary period roughly from the 12th to the 18th for this particular stationary Saturn transit would hold a big say in our life in the coming year as far Saturn is concerned or at least till the next retrograde of Saturn.

During the regular motion, the planet is busy dispensing with the Karmic effect it is assigned to play out for the person. As human beings we all need a period of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation to move ahead again with a vigour. For a retrograde planet this is a period of inward journey, relaxation and rejuvenation. Backtracking an average of 6 days every year before moving forward again Saturn remains retrograde for 130 days.

The retrograde cycle gives a chance to rethink on a lot of grounds. Saturn is the Karm Karaka and stands for duties responsibilities, discipline and the ability to work hard and face adversity. This retrograde period is the time to make some introspection about the duties, responsibilities, discipline and adversities we face or the ones we had taken up when Saturn moved in the sign of Sagittarius.

How nicely and capably have we taken up this duty?

How diligently are we sticking to the discipline or learning or meditating?

Are we learning the lessons this planet is set to teachers in this sign?

In this area of our life?

The house that this planet tenants at this moment for us, are we working at its potential and what does it stand for?

During the retrograde period all these revisions and much more will certainly come to our mind and consequently be expressed as events in life to make us more aware about them. It may seem that Saturn has ceased his outward motion and consequently removed the duties, responsibilities and adversities but they are not removal- mere suspension till the next direct phase and up for simultaneous revision. Saturn may seem to be backing off that particular territory but be aware that it will come back with a vigour when it gets direct again so let’s be prepared. This time interval that Saturn is giving us is just similar to the time that children get to revise before the final exams. So, go over things twice – repeat and restructurise before Saturn goes direct to deliver the benefits.

Saturn stands for time. Rearrangement of schedules and priorities in this case leads to realization that change occurs its slow and steady pace and it is capable of bringing a profound change in one’s life.


The Nakshatra of Purvaashada life from 13°20′ to 26°40′ in Sagittarius. Its ruling Deity is Apah, the elemental water. This Apah is confined in a vessel and relates to the Swadhisthana chakra resonating to emotions.

Venus is the Lord of the Nakshatra and finds a resonance to Devi Lakshmi the ruler of the celestial water.

Also known as an Invincible Star, it denotes primary victory. This is the star where the good starts to win over the faulty. A key feature of this Nakshatra is its conviction in its intense strength and confidence in his ability to make it through. Let us not forget that water finds its levels at all times.

Like the task represented by this Nakshatra which regenerates the cut, the vigour, the invincibility and the knowledge a person acquires in this Nakshatra cannot be cut off or taken away. It’s simply regenerates. (This Nakshatra with its optimistic attitude often lives an unrealistic dream which may be dashed after the initial spurt of victory. Fizzling out of the force can be experienced in this Nakshatra once the initial plan succeeds.)

This Nakshatra supports loyalty and exuberance and the ability to shrug off difficulties and move ahead. This Nakshatra helps a person to improve on his/her circumstances in life. The power of this Nakshatra is Varchagrahan Shakti – the ability to invigorate or make one feel strong, healthy and full of energy.

Saturn in this nakshatra helps one become more accomplished acquire new talents and get new experiences of life. As this Nakshatra is about revitalizing and renewal of one’s energy. It is a beautiful and apt Nakshatra for retrograding. This synchronicity is too obvious to be missed. This Nakshatra provides ideal grounds for the strategizing, rehabilitation and reenergizing the planet for it regrowth like that of the tusks of the elephant. Saturn retrograde in this Nakshatra helps a person really think and reassess actions, responsibilities and reframe them. So, when Saturn would gain direct motion, this Nakshatra would help it to sieve of the shaft from the grain and start again with the renewed energy.

In its backward journey, Saturn moves into Mula. This retrograding can be seen as a phase where after having an initial success a person is now forced to rethink about his success and get back onto the drawing board to find or restructure the fundamentals of the plan so as to reap greater rewards when Saturn moves back again into Uttara Ashada.