Anuradha Sharda Vedic Astrologer & Tarot Coach India

Prashna Analysis: A Way to Get Answers for Certain Questions

For those of you who don’t understand the meaning of Prashna, it literally means, question or query. In our life, we come across a lot of such questions that we tend to ask before making a major decision. As per Vedic astrologers in India, these Prashnas can be answered before you do anything drastic. There… Continue reading Prashna Analysis: A Way to Get Answers for Certain Questions

Rahu Transit Into Ardra And Its Effect On Different Lagnas

Rahu is known as the Karma planet. As Ardra is a very intense nakshatra when Rahu moves into this nakshatra, it can turn good or bad depending on our karma. As per Vedic astrologers in India, Ardra nakshatra has the symbol of a teardrop. When Rahu moves into Ardra nakshatra, it has a very different… Continue reading Rahu Transit Into Ardra And Its Effect On Different Lagnas

Animals Of All 27 Nakshatras And What It Represents – Part 1

There is a total of 27 nakshatras in Vedic Astrology. If you are familiar with this subject you might know that every nakshatra represents an animal whose characteristics can be seen in the person with the same nakshatra. As per Vedic astrologers in India, these representative animals can tell a lot about yourself. Now every… Continue reading Animals Of All 27 Nakshatras And What It Represents – Part 1

Know About Your Life And Career Through Dashamsha Or D-10 Chart

Professions and other life choices are such things that people are always overly cautious about. If someone is ambitious, one might want to know if he or she will be successful in the chosen profession or business. Especially in business, you would be more inclined to take a risk if you can know beforehand that… Continue reading Know About Your Life And Career Through Dashamsha Or D-10 Chart

Competitive Exams And Your Horoscopes

Phaldeepika in Chapter 6, Shloka 26 states that शुक्रवाक्पतिसुधाकरात्मजै: केन्द्रकॊणसहितैर्द्वितीयगै: । स्वॊच्चमित्रभवनेषु वाक्पतौ वीर्यगॆ सति सरस्वतीरिता ॥ धीमात्राटकगद्यपद्यगणनालङ्गारशास्त्रैष्वयं निष्णात कविताप्रबंधरचनाशास्त्रार्थपारंगत । कीर्त्याक्रांतजगत्त्रयोतिधनिको दारात्मजैरन्वित: स्यात् सारस्वतयोगजो नृपवरै: संपूजितो भाग्यवान् ॥ When Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are sitting in Kendra (quadrant) or Trikona (trine) houses, or in the second house and Jupiter being in their own or… Continue reading Competitive Exams And Your Horoscopes